The One

Book News, The Favorite, The Guard, The One, The Prince, The Queen, The Selection, The Selection Stories

Why your preorder was cancelled

Okay, if you are one of my very faithful readers, then you’ve probably already preordered The Favorite or The Selection Stories: The Queen and The Favorite, which were due out March 2015. And there’s a chance that you’ve gotten a notice that your preorder is cancelled, which is weird, yeah? So let me explain.

Yes, your preorder has been cancelled because the e-book of The Favorite and the paperback bind up of The Queen and The Favorite are no longer happening. At least, not in March. Why? Good question. One of the great things about the world of The Selection is that the more time I spend with it, the better it gets. It was amazing (if not a little weird) to see a young Clarkson through Amberly’s eyes, and it was a special opportunity for me to show you just how hard Aspen was fighting for America in his own words. America, Marlee, Maxon, Aspen, and Amberly have all gotten to take a turn sharing their voice, but recently, I felt there was one more character I wanted to give just a tiny, itty bitty, little moment to: Celeste.

With the timing of everything, a few things had to be rethought, and my hope was that you’d be able to have all the stories, in print, in one place. So, instead of simply getting The Favorite in March, in OCTOBER you will be getting a HARDBACK bind up with the following:

  • The extended version of The Prince
  • The Guard
  • The Queen
  • The Favorite
  • Three scenes with Celeste (that I still need to name... hmm.)
  • The second epilogue to The One
  • Some other stuff
  • Oh, and did I mention that this will be illustrated?

So, yeah, the awesomeness is being delayed. But it means that you will get bonus awesomeness. I know it’s still a bit of a wait for The Heir, but don’t worry! There will be plenty to talk about between now and then, and I hope your wait for the new (title-less) hardback will be worth it. Leave questions in the comments ,and I will try to update on Friday!

Happy New Year!

UPDATE 01/02/15

Yes! The Favorite will still be released as an ebook! It will be released at the same time as the hardbound book, so you will all get it at the same time, but not be forced to buy books you already own.

No! The date for The Heir is NOT being pushed back. Still coming out May 5, 2015!

Celeste is NOT getting a full novella. It's three scenes across the series from her perspective. One made me cry. I miss that girl!

I don't have a full list of the other content at the moment. We're picking a choosing things. More soon!

The epilogue is the same one you read at, just in print now. And this is the same version of The Prince that is in The Selection Stories: The Prince and The Guard, which has 2 more chapters than the e-version.

Yes! Eventually this will be out in paperback, so if you want to wait so it matches the rest of your set, no worries.

If you haven't preordered anything yet, you can still get this. It will be available in October.

I'm assuming this will all be available as an ebook as well in October. Not sure how illustrations will translate (I don't really eread, so I don't know much about it) but I will keep you posted on this one.

No! I'm not illustrating! And no news as to who is or what exactly will be illustrated. Updates on that once it's available.

International readers! You will (probably) get this in some form or another. Several countries already bought the rights to the two new novellas, so we're scrambling to change wording/deals and make sure you get everything. That stuff is out of my hands! I'll keep you posted.

No, I don't think there will be any more novellas or short stories after this. I think I'll be done.

Finally, this was done in partnership with my publisher. I don't make all the calls, and I'm certainly not trying to rip you off. If you feel uncomfortable buying the new book, I encourage you to borrow it from a library or friend. I respect that.

Book News, The One, The Selection

First Review for The One

It's barely two months until The One hits shelves, and I know you guys are always aching to hear more news about it. Well, I just got the first review back from Publishers Weekly. This is what they had to say:

"America is as willful and defiant as ever, making her both a target of King Clarkson’s wrath and the darling of the people of Illea. She and Maxon continue to butt heads even as the chemistry between them remains palpable."

Want to read everything they had to say? Check out the full review here!

News, The One

Happy Valentine's Day!

If you somehow missed it, today I shared six new teasers from THE ONE. Just in case you didn't catch them (or any of the others I've shared so far) here they are. All sneak peeks in the future can be found on The One's FAQ page.

#1: "I apologize for being out of uniform, sir."

#2: "Come out, Mer, it's Max."

#3: I found myself admiring them, wondering at the courage it took to run toawrd danger for the sake of other people.

#4: There is a different kind of beauty that comes with humility and honesty.

#5: "No one will know. And seeing as you were with the prince, I won’t ask questions. Whatever you did, I’ll trust it was something important."

#6: I watched as the palace was transformed. Almost overnight, lush Christmas trees lined the hallways of the first floor, garlands were strung down the stairways, and all the floral arrangements were changed to include holly or mistletoe.

#7: "I need your help." Without batting an eye, he responded. "Anything.

#8: "I didn't stand a chance, did I?"

#9: "Are you scared?" he asked. "No." "Me neither." But I was pretty sure we were both lying.

#10: I felt our noses brush in the dark, and the urge to kiss him came unexpectedly fast.

#11: "It makes me nervous to feel some of the things I do. But I want you to know, I'm still looking at you, too."

#12: His body was now up against mine, his hand low on my back, holding me to him.

News, The One

Heading to Target!

Hey all! I just wanted to let you all know, there's another place for you to get a signed copy of The One! Target is offering an online only pre order of signed copies of The One. I'm very excited about this because if you wanted to get a signed copy, but maybe didn't want to get the Barnes and Noble special edition with the bonus stuff, you finally have that option.

Let me try to get to some questions before they get asked:

  • Does this have the poster and bonus chapters? No!
  • Will this be available in stores? No!
  • What about internationally? You'll have to check Target's shipping policies. I have nothing to do with that.

I think that's all for now. Enjoy!

Book News, The One

Special Edition! 2.0!

Guys. You guys, listen. Listen, okay? I’ve been keeping a secret. It’s true, I’ve been hiding something. But it’s time to come clean.

You know about the special Barnes and Noble edition of The One that comes with a delicious poster and a bonus scene. We've discussed this. It’s out there. Well, what you don’t know is... that you can get that special edition signed!


Yes, I’ve been working away, signing tip in sheets (little pages that say The One on them that I sign and will then be bound into the actual books) for a few weeks now. I’m so excited this exists because, while I will be touring this spring (dates to follow!), I won’t be able to come everywhere. So hopefully this means a few of you who wouldn’t be able to get a signed copy otherwise will now.

Just to be absolutely clear, there are a limited number of signed copies, so run along. And, yes, it will still have the bonus scene and poster. The description isn’t 100% clear, but it will! If you have questions, leave them and I’ll try to follow up soon.

News, The Guard, The One, The Prince, The Selection Stories

Covers! So many covers!

In case you didn't see MTV's wonderful reveal yesterday, here is the final, actual cover art for THE ONE:

I'm absolutely in love with it and want to say a thousand things, but there are other covers to discuss, so lets move on! We also revealed the cover art for THE SELECTION STORIES:

I love her face here! So pretty! Now, you may already know that THE SELECTION STORIES will contain THE PRINCE, THE GUARD, and a bunch of other goodies from me. But if you already have your e-copy of THE PRINCE and would like to only purchase an e-copy of THE GUARD, you can! And this will be the cover you're looking for:

And there you have it! Those are all the remaining covers for Selectiony books. It's a little strange to have them all out there, but I'm still looking forward to you getting to read all these things hiding behind these lovely covers. THE GUARD will (I hope) help everyone see Aspen's logic, THE SELECTION STORIES will have some exciting bonus features that I seriously cannot wait to gush about, and THE ONE... well, it's everything I hoped it would be, and I can't for you to see how it all ends.

What do you think of the covers? Shout out in the comments!

News, The Elite, The One, The Selection

I'm Coming to Brazil!

I’m so excited to finally announce that I’M COMING TO BRAZIL! I’ll be at the FLICA Book Festival on October 25th! I will also be heading to Sao Paulo around that time as well. I don’t have any info on specific events or signings at the moment, but as soon as the plans become more solid, I’ll share.

For now, please refer to the FLICA web site for any questions you have, and I will probably have more updates once I get back from the Philippines. One trip at a time!

That said, I seriously can’t wait to come. My Brazilian fans have been some of my most enthusiastic, and I cannot wait to meet/hug you. See you in October!

The Elite, The Guard, The One, The Prince, The Selection

ANNOUNCING! Selection Stories: The Prince & The Guard

You guys asked, and we delivered! I’m stoked to announce The Selection Stories: The Prince and The Guard AND The Guard coming to you February 4th, 2014! The Guard is another e-novella, this time telling part of The Elite from Aspen’s point of view. I feel like Aspen gets misunderstood a lot, so I can’t wait for you to see America through his eyes.

Coming out simultaneously with the e-novella is The Selection Stories. Now, this will contain both The Prince and The Guard in printed format, a sneak peek at The One, as well as some deeper information on the entire series compiled by yours truly! So many of you have asked if Maxon’s story would be made available in paperback, and now it will be right along with Aspen’s. But, if you’re happy with your e-copy, and only want to get The Guard, that option is out there, too!

I’m really excited about all this, and I can’t wait to share every last scrap of information I can before The One comes out May 6th. Hope you guys like it!

Pre-order Selection Stories here!

Or pre-order The Guard here!

News, The Elite, The One, The Prince, The Selection

I'm coming to the Philippines!

Ahh! I’m so thrilled to finally announce that I am coming to the Philippines this August! I’ve been sitting on this news a while, ABSOLUTELY dying to tell you all about it. I’ll be in Manila on August 3 and Cebu on August 4, so if you’re in the area, please come out and see me (and Callaway). I have to give a massive thank you to the wonderful people at National Bookstore for putting on these events and for being so helpful in organizing everything over the last few months. Even though I’m TERRIFIED about the flights, I can’t wait to see you there. My readers in the Philippines have been some of my sweetest, so I’m packing extra hugs for you guys. If you have questions, I’ll try to find answers for you as soon as I can.  Otherwise, see you next month!

RSVP to the events on Facebook here!

UPDATE: Read the FAQ!


Book News, The One, The Selection

Official Update on THE ONE

Okay, so this may not* be the cover art for the final book in The Selection Trilogy, but I do have some real news for you guys. We have a release date!

THE ONE will be out May 6, 2014.

Now, I know what you're thinking: KIERA, THAT'S MORE THAN A YEAR AFTER THE ELITE. Yes, that is true. Congrats on mastering your calendar! But I promise there will be plenty of goodies between now and then to keep you excited. And sometimes these things change, and if this happens to, I'll make sure you know ASAP!


*is totally not.