
The Siren

More Siren News!

Very excited to share that The Siren is also going to Brazil! I never thought that would happen for this book, so I'm thrilled to see it being translated. For both Russia and Brazil, I will try to post dates as soon as I have them. I will keep these under the FAQ for The Siren, as I have done for The Selection. Yay!

Book News, The Selection

More Translations & a Book 2 Update

In case you missed my agent tweeting this morning, The Selection is now heading to Indonesia and Hungary! Foreign sales are one of my favorite things ever, so this makes me very happy. Some people have asked for release dates for the other countries The Selection is coming to, and I'm afraid I don't have much information on that front. I do know that it is already out in France and Canada, and that the UK, New Zealand, and Australia should be getting it in August. I'll try to find out more for you guys about those.

Also! Everyone keeps asking when Book 2 will be coming your way, or if I could tell you what the name is. We are editing Book 2 right now, and it should be out in the spring of 2013. Stay tuned for an official date coming in the next few months. Also... I can't spill the name just yet. I don't think you'll have to wait too long, but just hold on a bit more!

Soon, I'll be posting some extras about The Selection on the site, and so will the rad peeps over at HarperTeen. Play lists, deleted scenes, and scenes from other POVs will be coming to keep you busy while we all wait for the next book.

And, I know I've already said this, but thanks a gazillion times over for your enthusiasm and for putting The Selection on the NYT Bestsellers List. You guys are keen.